The Fractal Dome is part of the service provided to schools by the Science Dome. An existing in-school provider of science and learning experience to schools and colleges.

Depending on location, additional shows are available on the day with Fractal shows as well.  Not all are available across the whole of the UK, however.  

Full School Programme Available

Events include:

1. Solar System Tour and Beyond - KS2/3
2. Space Exploration (Apollo Moon Landings) - KS1/2
3. Dinosaur Show - KS1/2/3
4. Rocks, Soils and Fossils - KS2/3
5. Earth and Beyond - KS1/2
6. Light/Dark and Space - KS1
7. Light and Sound - KS1/2
8. Ancient Egypt (or Greece) and the Stars - KS1/2
9. Under the Sea - KS1/2
10. Pirates and the Sea - KS1
11. Fractal Dome (Maths and Natural Symmetry) - KS2/3
12. Down to Earth (Fossils and Earth's History) - KS1/2
13. Nano Cam Show (Biodiversity at Micro-level) - KS2/3

The shows consist of using the dome, parachutes and outside interaction.

Programmes can be partial constructed by the school in advance of visit to reflect current classroom subjects.

Click here for the schools page Schools programme

A Fractal and Science Dome planetarium domes can be previewed at Science Zone UK- 

Open daily from 10am to 4pm (expect Sunday)

Science Zone UK

21 Royal Arcade 




Phone no: 01202 304734